7 Low Acid Coffees Reviewed!

Not all people tolerate the acids contained in some foods well. If you have a delicate digestive system, the impact of acidic food consumption may not be pleasant.  Coffee, in particular, can go from a favorite ritual to a less than fun experience for people with ailments like GERD.

As opposed to acidic flavor, acidity is quantified on a pH scale that ranges from extremely acidic (0) to extremely basic (14). Pure water falls in the center at 7. As a reference, many coffees generally hover around 5- which is less acidic than many juices, including cranberry (2 to 3) and orange (3 to 4).

Finding a low acid coffee can be a bit of a challenge.  When coffee aficionados refer to the “acidity” of coffee, they are generally referring to a brew’s flavor notes, as opposed to actual acid content. For instance, high altitude-grown beans are generally described as acidic because of the vibrant and bright flavor notes presented; just because you see a term like “acidity” in a coffee’s profile doesn’t necessarily mean it is high in acidity.  While dark roasts are generally less acidic than lighter roasts, certain dark roasts have higher amounts of quinic acid, which can produce a sour and nasty stomach feeling.

But don’t worry! We’ve done the hard work for you.  Take a look at our top picks for low acid coffee below.

Don’t Miss: We took a look at some ways you can reduce the acid in brewed coffee here – check it out!

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JayArr’s Low Acid Coffee Review – Summary

Low acid coffees summary

Volcanica Low Acid Coffee Blend

Volcanica Low Acid

Volcanica provides fine gourmet coffees online. Volcanica’s vast array of options for whole beans is impressive. These beans get sourced from optimal growing regions worldwide, particularly ones that are defined by rich volcanic soil. This condition is commonly used because it yields beans of amazingly high quality.

The actual plant is created from beans with a naturally low acidity level. This means the coffee doesn’t need to be a dark roast in order to be labeled as “low acid.” These arabica varietal beans originate from low altitude growth regions, including Sumatra and Brazil.

We were quite fond of this coffee, though we did think it tasted slightly burnt/bitter. We suggest monitoring your brewing method and time to prevent over-extraction.

Healthwise Low Acid Coffee

Healthline Low Acid Coffee

The Coffee Triangle, aka the Columbian coffee region, is located in Columbia’s rural Paisa area. It is renowned for producing and growing a lot of Columbian coffee, which some say is the world’s best coffee.

This beverage is perhaps the best choice out of all of these options if you’re looking for the lowest possible amount of acid in your coffee. A lot of your other choices will endeavor to minimize acidity by adjusting cultivation conditions. Having said that, Healthwise uses a TechnoRoasting process to minimize acidity to very low levels, which is hard to accomplish simply by using cultivation approaches.

With that said, this coffee’s flavor wasn’t something we were very enamored by. It’s not that it tasted bad, it just didn’t impress us the way other options on this list did.

LifeBoost Medium Roast

Lifeboost Coffee

Renowned for never-ending blue skies, green and lush rainforests, and (what might be) the greatest coffee region on the planet, Nicaragua is where several fine coffees originate from.

LifeBoost coffee plants grow at a 57,000-foot elevation level, high above Mount Kilambe. The company grows these plants on a small farm (six acres) under a colossal guava tree canopy and then manually roasts, washes, and dries the resulting beans. LifeBoost’s coffee farm is located in a nationally protected area in Nicaragua. This unpolluted land ensures that only pure and clean coffee is grown here and that all beans are free of toxic residues.

Mommee Coffee Half Caff Organic Coffee

Mommee Coffee

Mommee Coffee is advertised mostly to women. Attempting to conceive, getting pregnant, and breastfeeding are all scenarios where caffeine intake may be discouraged and stomach sensitivity is higher than normal.  Caffeine and acidity senstive men can still enjoy this coffee, too, however!

Mommee processing involves a water processing approach that bypasses the need to use harsh chemicals in order to decaffeinate the coffee. Also, its fair trade, certified organic (USDA), and has a low acidity level. Specifically, this coffee features low chlorogenic acid levels, a significant acid reflux contributor.

Flax Coffee – Peruvian Dark (Flaxseed-Blended Coffee)

Flax Coffee Review

This content offering integrates roasted arabica beans with roasted flaxseeds, yielding a one-of-a-kind flavorful blend with low acidity levels. Because of the natural alkalinity of flaxseeds, they can be used to neutralize the acids in coffee, allowing people to enjoy a medium roast blend. They also give users the added benefits of minerals, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Flax Coffee claims their product helps people lose weight. They attribute this to the metabolism-enhancing impact of omega-3s, as well as the high fiber content in flax seeds. Other Flax Coffee benefits include clearer skin and enhanced brain functionality, but these claims haven’t been scientifically proven.

Low heat and a slow roasting process are used by Flax Coffee to create nutty and smooth flavors. The subsequent brew features a buttery and well-rounded mouthfeel containing fruity tastes with apple cobbler notes.

Puroast Organic House Blend

Puroast Review

Puroast’s founders sought to produce a brew that accommodated specific taste aspects – rich, smooth, and savory – and ended up making a low acidity brew. Puroast’s beans are Venezuela-sourced and are partial to a dark French roast.

This coffee’s low acidity levels stem from the woodfired roast used in the processing. The outcome is a drink that delivers a bold and dark flavor. It has 70% lower acidity than the competition, and it has five times the amount of antioxidants as they have.

In a highly regarded and unprecedented move, Puroast recruited scientists to research their claims. Take comfort in knowing that this coffee can be trusted, especially if you experience heartburn, acid reflux, or ulcers.

Tieman’s Fusion Coffee

Tiemans coffee review

Tieman’s Coffee is also a blended choice, though this option incorporates Goji berry powers, Matcha green tea, and Rooibos red tea. Also, 100% of their Arabica beans are sourced from Ecuador and Guatemala – integrating with Columbian beans – to create an optimal balance. From there, the beans are blended and roasted to create a brew with low acidity.

Thanks to the Matcha tea, energy is enhanced for between five and seven hours. The stomach is settled thanks to the Rooibos tea, while the Goji berries provide anti-inflammatory features. Tieman’s Coffee has five times the amount of the requirements for daily antioxidant protection, which is beneficial to the body.


We think Volcanica is probably your best overall pick when considering low acid content, taste, and price.  However, if minimal acid is of overwhelming concern, you may want to try Healthline first.

Don’t Miss: We took a look at some ways you can reduce the acid in brewed coffee here – check it out!

Jay Arr

Jay Arr is passionate about everything coffee. What began as a simple interest in the history, production, and brewing of coffee led him to a job as a barista at a national coffee chain. That’s not where Jay’s story with coffee ends, however. Roasting and brewing day in and out, he continued to gather knowledge about all things coffee.

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