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2019 World AeroPress Championship Winning Recipe (Approximately)

Wendelien van Bunnik—the latest winner of the coveted WAC title—used 30 grams of coffee (at a grind of 7 out of 10 coarseness) and 100 grams of water at 92 degrees Celsius.  We used to following method to reproduce this recipe fairly closely.


  • AeroPress
  • Kettle


  • 30 grams coffee (7/10 coarseness)
  • 100 grams water (92 degrees Celsius)


  • Measure out 30 grams of relatively coarse coffee and grind to 7/10 coarseness (10 being French Press grind). Place the funnel on top of the inverted AeroPress and pour the ground coffee inside.
  • Rinse out the filter cap with a paper filter inside and set it aside.
  • Heat 100g water to 90 degrees Celsius.
  • After heating the water, slowly pour it over the coffee within the AeroPress.
  • Next, stir the mixture firmly for 10 seconds (~20 times).
  • Then, put the filter cap with filter onto the Aeropress.
  • Next, wait 40 seconds and flip the AeroPress.
  • After placing a cup on top, flip the Aeropress and push out the extracted coffee.
  • Lastly, dilute the brewed coffee with 100 grams of water.
